Monday, January 30, 2023

Birds (so far)

Thanks to those who checked in to see if we'd been affected by the horrendous rains and flooding near Auckland.  We're still on the South Island, so have dodged bad weather, so far.  We're hoping the skies will clear in the north by time we land in Wellington on 11 Feb.

This is a simple post ... some of the birds we've seen so far.

Marsh harrier, one of the few raptors down here

New Zealand sacred kingfisher with dinner
New Zealand sacred kingfisher pair on the hunt

Silvereye, cute little flicker

Pukeko, ground dwellers but they do fly

Black-billed gulls feeding in the surf

White-fronted tern
Little pied shag (cormorant)

California quail, a long way from home!

Northern giant petrel

Paradise shelduck

White-chinned petrel

Pied (shag) cormorant

Weka, flightless bird, likes shiny things

Variable oystercatcher

Black swan

Shags on the wing, unknown species

Red-billed gull ... they're everywhere!

New Zealand pigeon ... big and colorful!

South Island oystercatcher

Eurasian skylark

Welcome swallow pair ... you're welcome!

Yellowhammer in song

Little owl - here's lookin' at you!

Food fight! White-capped albatross

Hunting in pairs - White-faced herons



  1. Love these birds! The birds here are confused. Cranes coming through, geese unsure, hummers sticking around in nearly freezing weather!

  2. Beautiful birdy shots, Aaron. Yobro

  3. Beautiful pictures! Hope you’re having a wonderful journey. It’s still quite cold here tho the sun is peaking out more often.
    Linda G

  4. Hey Great birds!! I was going to pick out my favorites to let you know, but then there are too many. love the ones in flight for sure. I am a little behind on your posts and will check those out pronto. glad you are OK down there.

  5. Great photos! If you are a dedicated ornithophile, send me an email when you return. I have something you might like 😀


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