Monday, March 6, 2023

Birds, You Say?

 I've been asked for more bird photos, and it's been a while since my previous set.  So, here you go...

South Island Takahe, world's largest rail

Takahe nesting pair, one of the few left in Aotearoa

Royal Spoonbill

Royal Spoonbill

The elusive Grey warbler

Sacred kingfisher

Parera / Grey duck


New Zealand scaup ... doing a beak-plant

Pukeko, the "bush chicken"

The noisy Kaka

New Zealand robin ... very curious and unafraid

Tieke /  Saddleback

Tieke / Saddleback
Hihi / Stitchbird (female)

Hihi / Stichbird (male)

Tui with berry

Kaka, upside-down mode


  1. Thems a lot of birds. Great pictures. Doug N.

  2. Great birds for birdbrains like me.

  3. Great photos, Aaron! Where did you see birds like the Kaka, Saddleback and Hihi? Did you get over to one of the protected islands? Where's the Kiwi? -Jim Diers

    1. Hey Jim,

      The Kaka, Tieke, Hihi, and Takahe were in Zealandia, the predator-free refuge in Wellington … wild, birds can come and go, but protected from the possums, etc. We’ve seen the first three elsewhere, but not the Takahe, of course (actually a South Island bird). We had the same experience as you with Kapiti Island, cancelled the morning of due to weather (the impending cyclone). Aaron

  4. These are great! thank you and so glad you are able to capture them. I think my favorite is the NZ robin with those long skinny legs. keep up the great work, Mary Miller

  5. Yeah, we like the robin, too, hops right up to your feet sometimes, observant, curious. Aaron

  6. Love the bird pictures. Have you enjoyed the Bell bird call?

  7. Loved looking at the birds— a bit different from those in SE Arizona. Continue to enjoy!


Another Detour ....

   ... but this one was planned. We took the opportunity of being in the same hemisphere as Australia to carve out a two-week visit to the p...