Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Few More Birds of Aotearoa

Aotearoa/New Zealand's avian populations are much diminished since European colonists introduced mammals like the possum, skoat, rat, and feral cat (to be fair, some experts say Maori explorers brought a species of rats to the islands 800+ years ago).  These animals have proliferated wildly - having no natural predators of their own - and decimated bird species that often nest on the ground or whose behaviors otherwise make them vulnerable to threats with which they did not evolve.

Nonetheless, the birds we did see were beautiful and many had beautiful songs and wide vocabularies.  The endemic Tui was especially fun to watch and listen to.  Here's a few more bird photos from Aotearoa. 


Tui, on the berry hunt

Face Off!  Black-backed gull vs. Pied shag

Variable oystercatcher

Variable oystercatcher ... nice eyeliner!

Miromiro/Tomtit with lunch

White-faced heron with epiphyte

Tui in morning song

"You go your way, I'll go mine" - Pied stilts

Pukeko with Easter lilies

Kelp gull (I think ... gulls are so damn hard to identify!)

New Zealand (Sacred) kingfisher - Face-off or begging session? I don't know.


  1. ooh I love the stilts and the kingfishers (well, I don't want to offend the others, they are cool too). thanks so much and welcome home! Mary Miller

  2. I share your love of tuis, but that kingfisher photo is fantastic! -Jim

  3. Thanks Aaron! Great photos. Yes that Kingfisher shot is really special. Welcome home!


Another Detour ....

   ... but this one was planned. We took the opportunity of being in the same hemisphere as Australia to carve out a two-week visit to the p...